The Aquarist and Pondkeeper - PetFish monthly - Tropical Fish Hobbyist
The Aquarist and Pondkeeper magasine.
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All £1 per issue plus postage from the UK to you. Please ask for whichever issue or issues you require. The Journal of the International Marine Study Society (IMSS) and its predecessor, the Marine Study Aquatic Society of Great Britain (MSAS)
Volume 3 No's 1 to 9 (excluding Volume 6.) Volume 4 No's 1 to 8 (excluding Volume 2) (There are a maximum of 10 issues per volume). Photocopies £1.00 per unit / £10 per volume Links to: Membership list
All US $ 1.00 per issue plus postage from the UK to you. Please ask for whichever issue or issues you require.
All US $ 1.00 per issue plus postage from the UK to you. Please ask for whichever issue or issues you require. The Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 1969-1971 5 Volumes available. Very large and heavy Price upon application |