of Canada, London , Shropshire and Cheshire
Mary Ann RAYCROFT (RIN: 00248), daughter of William RAYCROFT and Mary BURNSIDE , was born 1827 in Reston, Manitoba. She died 26 July 1887 in Manitoba. Other Marriages/Unions for Mary Ann RAYCROFT: Notes for Mary Ann RAYCROFT:
Considerable confusion surrounds Mary Anne ( Maryann) Raycroft ( see attatched documents) - latterly supposed Mary Anne Cramer, Raycroft appears to be her maiden name but it is possible she was also married to Henry Bulloch in 1846 prior to marrying George Washington Cramer in 1858 although Henry Bulloch was still alive in 1858. This would account for the story of a scandal handed down in the family oral archives. Sources for Mary Ann RAYCROFT:
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