of Canada, London , Shropshire and Cheshire
James REYNOLDS (RIN: 03460) was born 1720. He married Mary BAILEY 04 May 1741 in Ashwell, Hertfordshire, , England. He died 02 September 1795 in Ashwell, Hertfordshire, , England. Mary BAILEY (RIN: 00248), daughter of Jeremiah BAILEY and SARAH , was born 1722 in Ashwell, Hertfordshire, , England. She died 03 November 1792 in Ashwell, Hertfordshire, , England. Children of James REYNOLDS and Mary BAILEY are:
Marriage/Union Events for James REYNOLDS\Mary BAILEY:
Other Marriages/Unions for James REYNOLDS: Other Marriages/Unions for Mary BAILEY: Notes for James REYNOLDS:
Sources for James REYNOLDS:
Notes for Mary BAILEY:
Sources for Mary BAILEY:
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