of Canada, London , Shropshire and Cheshire
Joseph BANKS (RIN: 04895) was born 1880. He married Jane JENNINGS 1904 in Cheshire. He died 1956. Jane JENNINGS (RIN: 05095), daughter of George JENNINGS and Jane WARD , was born 1884 in Nantwich, Cheshire, England, United Kingdom. She died 1913. Children of Joseph BANKS and Jane JENNINGS are:
Marriage/Union Events for Joseph BANKS\Jane JENNINGS:
Notes for Joseph BANKS:
Notes for Jane JENNINGS:
There is one unconfirmed record of Jane having died in childbirth. Notes for Ida BANKS:
Marriage records show Ida could have been married in either 1925 or 1930 if she married in England or Wales bit there is a possibility thatthe whole family may have emigrated earlier This page was created on 30 November 2016 using UncleGed - GEDCOM-to-HTML software ver. 10.02 Copyright © 1999-2009 D. M. DeBacker |
This web is updated regularly . Last updated November 2016