of Canada, London , Shropshire and Cheshire
William Archibald CRAMER (RIN: 01209), son of Fredrick Sparum CRAMER and Rachel W. JOHNSTON , was born 28 September 1900 in Matsqui, BC. He married Myrtle Amelia THORNTON 11 June 1925 in Sardis, BC. He died 15 January 1990 in Sardis, BC. Myrtle Amelia THORNTON (RIN: 04317), daughter of George Israel THORNTON and Rebecca Theresa JONES , was born 16 May 1906 in Sardis, BC. She died 29 December 1993. Children of William Archibald CRAMER and Myrtle Amelia THORNTON are:
Marriage/Union Events for William Archibald CRAMER\Myrtle Amelia THORNTON:
Notes for William Archibald CRAMER:
Sources for William Archibald CRAMER:
Notes for Myrtle Amelia THORNTON:
Sources for Myrtle Amelia THORNTON:
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