of Canada, London , Shropshire and Cheshire
STOP PRESS December 997AD: Back to before the Norman Conquest! Latest confirmed work in progress data Surnames of the additions:
plus ![]() ![]() Join me @ WikiTree Scope of this website All entries since 1783 have at least two verifications even if they are not stated on the records here. All records between 1664 and 1783 have one verification which is usually a marriage or christening. Family tree research is often devious and convoluted in its machinations due simply to the amount of tree branching which occurs over the years. This site is unfortunately no exception but to minimize this and trace direct lines of ancestry the following parameters have been applied: 1. On the main JENNINGS lineage only direct ancestry has been included, albeit with a limited amount of side tree branching - even so over 660 individuals are recorded so far, Jennings is sometimes rarely spelt using the variation Jenings Earliest POTENTIAL Entries: , The first recorded spelling of the family name is shown to be that of Roger Jonyng, which was dated 1296, in the Subsidy Rolls of the county of Sussex, during the reign of King Edward 1, known as "The Hammer of the Scots", 1272 - 1307.Walter Jannes and Richard Janyns in the Subsidy Rolls of Worcestershire of 1327, and Thomas Jenyn, in the charter rolls of 1428*** See Stop Press at the TOP OF THIS PAGE** See Stop Press at the TOP OF THIS PAGE Some very recent research ( December 2018) is just bringing to light a connection with the POUNTNEY family based in alverley,shropshire around 1560-1590 William Jennings christened on 3rd April 1664 in Malpas St.Oswald,? ( but he must have had parents! ) plus John Jennings, born in 1680* verified ..This is still an ongoing research area
2. On the CRAMER-THORNTON lineage a great deal of research was undertaken by relatives other than the cousins who collated this main site. We have attempted to doubly verify all reproduced data and have omitted a vast amount of unverified data. This section is incomplete until we receive an updated Thornton ancestry 3. Names of towns and counties are as shown in the records consulted. This can vary as - for example, South Cheshire and North Shropshire are only separated by fields in many areas - some fields even cross the boundary which itself has moved over the years. Some villages and townships have frequently been redesignated. 4. Names have often been anglicized. The CRAMER-THORNTON lineage is extremely mixed with ancestors from at least six different countries (Germany, France, Ireland, Scotland, England, U.S.A.) So Kramer=Creamer=Cramer=Kremer and Clapper=Klapper 5. All descendants of Donald Jennings ( 1924 - 1993 )have been temporarily redacted 6. To prevent abuses of our data many extant Canadian members have not been listed
The individuals of the named families connected in the Jennings current tree are numbered in parenthesis. Data on many living individuals has been restricted or omitted PRIMARY families connected directly to the Jennings tree.(up to 2009) (This does not include many primary families directly connected to the Cramer-Thornton lineage for which you will need to go to the following page. - CRAMER-THORNTON)
BAILEY (1) , BANKS (2) , BARTLEM (1) , BEESLEY (2) , BENDY (1) , BENNETT (1) , BESFORD (1) , BINCKLEY (1) , BLAND (3) , BLOCKSIDGE (8) , BRAGG (7) , BRIDGER (1) , BRIGHT (2) , BRITTAN (1) , BROMFIELD (1) , BROOM (13) , BROOMFIELD (6) , BROWN (14) , BUNN (1) , BYRNE (1) , CALLAGHAN (1) , CAVANAGH (1) , CONIBEAR (1) , COOK (1) , COTTAM (1) , COWEN (1) , COX (1) , CRAMER and variant spellings(4) , DALE (4) , DALLOO (1) , DELVES (1) , DESPINS (5) , DICKENS (1) , DJWEIDA (9) , EASTABROOK (8) , EVANS (1) , GARDNER (3) , GARNER (2) , GENNOE (9) , GIBBONS (13) , GILBERT (2) , GREEN (1) , HADAD (5) , HALL (1) , HALLWORTH (1) , HARLEY (2) , HARVEY (16) , HASSALL (3) , HENSHALL (1) , HOLLAND (1) , HOLT (1) , HONOUR (1) , HUDSON (1) , ISTEPHAN (3) , JAMES (1) , JENNINGS (105) , JOHN.THORNTON (2) , JONES (9) , KATUSHA (1) , KILANO (10) , KING (1) , KNAPP (1) , KNIGHTLEY (2) , LOCKET (1) , LOCKETT (3) , LORD (2) , MAGILL and variant spellings (50) , MALAM (3) , MANSI (1) , MAXAM (17) , MAYES (1) , MCALPINE (3) , MR.HOBBS (1) , MR.PARKER (1) , MR.RAZAKA (1) , MR.SPRINGALL (1) , MYERS (7) , NAZARETHIAN (1) , NEAL (5) , NIX (6) , ORCHERTON (5) , PARADIS (7) , PARKER (21) , PARRY (1) , PARSON (1) , PARSONS (1) , PENLINGTON (2) , PETERS (2) , PRESTNEY (14) , PRITCHARD (1) , PUGH (1) , QUIMBY (4) , RAZAKA (6) , REED (1) , RIGBY (4) , ROBERT.GARDNER (1) , ROWLEY (3) , RYAN (13) , SCHEVECK (3) , SCHOFIELD (1) , SMILLIE (3) , SMITH (14) , SPRINGALL (7) , SR (1) , STANTON (1) , STINSON (3) , STOWER (1) , SWAN (1) , TAKTAK (61) , TAYLOR (2) , THELWALL (2) , THOMAS (1) , THORNTON (7) , TRICKETT (1) , TUSHINGTON (1) , (3) , WARD (7) , WARREN (4) , WESSON (1) , WHEATCROFT (1) , WICKS (7) , WILLIAMS (18) , WOOD (1) , WOODBRIDGE (5) , YOUNAN (4) ,
The links associated with the names on the chart above go directly to pages of pictures related to the named person. Just click on the name and you will be directed to contact a family member who can authorize access to this data.
Link to : More Public Pictures of the Jennings Family The Jennings Families in the England and Wales Census Years
Most Frequent Christian names for all Jennings Families in the Census
The instrumental background to this page is courtesy - The Eagles Last update December 2019 |
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