The Taqtaq / Taktak Family originally from Iraq |
THROUGHOUT THIS SITE TAQTAQ = TAKTAK You can use this form: SEND A MESSAGE NEWSFLASH #1 We have just connected the Palestine Taktaks originally from Nablus with the main family tree...........Working on more links................... NEWSFLASH #1 Just received from some Tunisian Taktaks though no proven links as yet... "concerning the religion j' concluded d' after the first contracts which my ancestors are mesulman (1620) and concerning the taktek family it is in Jordan in Egypt in lybie and in Tunisia as regards the taktak family is in Turkey in Lebanon in Syria in Tunisia in Algeria and in Morocco, and I believe qu' most of the taktak family has like originating name taktek, the governorship of sfax in Tunisia has the 2 name taktak and taktek let us hope that I can arrive a little more thank you has my origins for your collaboration "
The tune playing while you view this page is " I dreamed theRE was no war" by The EAgles.
Photograph of Dr. Jamil Taqtaq. Taken (we were told ) in Jerusalem (Palestine ) in 1915 but it must be 1916 or 1918 as it is a British Army Doctor's uniform and not an Ottoman one? Photograph of (Above ) Tawfiq Rofa Taktak and (Below) Faeq George Rofa Taktak in Baghdad circa 1936-1937 Picture by Samia Taktak LINK TO DATA ON THE VILLAGE NAMED TAQTAQ
Primary Families currently linked by Marriage to the Taqtaq's / Taktak's Jennings, Peters, Razaka, Younan, Kilano, Djweda, Hadad, Mansy, Istephan |
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