Goldfish Society of Great Britain, GSGB until 2002
R. Essen
Federation of Guppy Breeder's
The Guppy Breeder's Society,
Founded 1938,
Catfish Association of Great Britain until
Northern Area Catfish Group until
BMAA - The British
Marine Aquarists Association. Appx 1976-1992 (Later
IMAA) Les Melling A
successor group to the IMSS
Southern Livebearers
Aquatic Group David Cheswright, Howard Preston, George Kane, IvanDibble,
Dave Hanns
BASS The British
Aquatic Study Society. Met monthly at Regents Park Zoological Gardens library.
Michael Shadrack, Gwynne Vevers, Frank Tomkins, Harry Hartridge
Fancy Guppy Association
- Jim Kelly
Ichthyological Society (BIS) David Marlborough
MSAS - The Marine Study
Aquatic Society of Great Britain Appx.1963-appx.1965-6- later
the IMSS to 1971
J.V.Morrice, A.G.E (Ted)
Jessopp, Alan Metzger, Terry Hall, Ken Pratley, Pam Blackwood,
George Kluger, John Clarke
The Association of Aquarists 1982-2000 David
Davis Membership Secretary
2 Telephone Road
PO4 0AY Tel: 01705 798686 If you would
like to know more about the association, write to Dave Davis, or if you
prefer, use the email link and we will see that it reaches Dave. Please
include your name, address and email address. Alternatively, you can
telephone him or any of the following :