| Local and National Federations of Aquatic Societies The vast majority of fish clubs and aquatic societies worldwide do not belong to a local or, indeed, national organization This is a pity as these dedicated bodies are supporting our hobby and have been steadily doing so for decades. Their worth is immense, so please, if you have a local group or federation your club can join , then join in and help. In addition you will meet lots of other aquarists many with the same interests as yourself from other member clubs. Remember -if you need any help or contacts or just plain support, IFOCAS can help too. By Continent: North America - Canada
North America - U.S.A. American Livebearers Association : FAAS Federation of American Aquarium Societies NECAS Northeast Council of Aquarium Societies Associated Koi Clubs of America http://www.koiusa.com/
Europe - England and Wales
Europe - Scotland
Australia and New Zealand Directory
of Federation of New Zealand Aquatic Societies http://www.fnzas.org.nz/contacts.0.html ********************************** To add your federation or group to this list email US |