| This page is under construction. Only details of members who wish to be entered in this list are displayed Members in South America ARGENTINA
Fragueiro 311 Ciudad de Bs.As. R.Argentina P.C. 1408
JORGE LUIS PANDURO NORONHA For other Public Lists see below: Members in Canada Members in Asia/Australia Members in Central and South America Members in Africa IFOCAS membership in the United States is rather large to list in these sheets and enquirers are advised to consult the list relating to each U.S. State as required. The directory of these can be reached from THIS LINK FIND A U.K. CLUB If you are looking for a fishclub or hobbyist group to join in the U.K., but do not wish to scroll down all the lists on the main site you will shortly be able to click this link to give you a county map. Clicking on the county you need to search will provide you with a list of active, friendly, local clubs. IFOCAS member clubs will be given priority but all clubs will be listed. IFOCAS PRODUCTS TO SAVE YOU MONEY THE IFOCAS YEARBOOK 2007. THE IFOCAS CD.